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Format | Data | Tテュtol | Autor |
Format | Data | Tテュtol | Autor |
2013 |
Effect of process parameters in nanosecond pulsed laser micromachining of PMMA-based microchannels at near-infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths |
Teixidor Ezpeleta, Daniel
; Orozco, Francisco
; Thepsonthi, Thanongsak
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Rodrテュguez Gonzテ。lez, Ciro テ]gel
; テ奔el, Tuヌァrul
Effects of the Selective Laser Melting manufacturing process on the properties of CoCrMo single tracks |
Monroy, Karla P.
; Delgado Sanglas, Jordi
; Serenテウ, Lテュdia
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Hendrichs, Nicolas J.
2014 |
Effects of the Selective Laser Melting manufacturing process on the properties of CoCrMo single tracks |
Monroy, Karla P.
; Delgado Sanglas, Jordi
; Serenテウ, Lテュdia
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Hendrichs, Nicolas J.
gener 2014 |
Evaluation of machine-tool motion accuracy using a CNC machining center in micro-milling processes |
Vテ。zquez Lepe, Elisa
; Gomar, Jテゥssica
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Rodrテュguez Gonzテ。lez, Ciro テ]gel
Evaluation of machine-tool motion accuracy using a CNC machining center in micro-milling processes |
Vテ。zquez Lepe, Elisa
; Gomar, Jテゥssica
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Rodrテュguez Gonzテ。lez, Ciro テ]gel
Evaluation of machine-tool motion accuracy using a CNC machining center in micro-milling processes |
Vテ。zquez Lepe, Elisa
; Gomar, Jテゥssica
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Rodrテュguez Gonzテ。lez, Ciro テ]gel
1 juny 2018 |
Evaluation of machine-tool motion accuracy using a CNC machining center in micro-milling processes |
5 juny 2018 |
Evaluation of machine-tool motion accuracy using a CNC machining center in micro-milling processes |
Vテ。zquez Lepe, Elisa
; Gomar, Jテゥssica
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Rodrテュguez Gonzテ。lez, Ciro テ]gel
Geometrical feature analysis of Co-Cr-Mo single tracks after selective laser melting processing |
Monroy, Karla P.
; Delgado Sanglas, Jordi
; Serenテウ, Lテュdia
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Hendrichs, Nicolas J.
2015 |
Geometrical feature analysis of Co-Cr-Mo single tracks after selective laser melting processing |
Monroy, Karla P.
; Delgado Sanglas, Jordi
; Serenテウ, Lテュdia
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Hendrichs, Nicolas J.
Process planning considerations for micromilling of mould cavities used in ultrasonic moulding technology |
Vテ。zquez Lepe, Elisa
; Amaro, Alan
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Rodrテュguez Gonzテ。lez, Ciro テ]gel
2015 |
Process planning considerations for micromilling of mould cavities used in ultrasonic moulding technology |
Vテ。zquez Lepe, Elisa
; Amaro, Alan
; Ciurana, Quim de
; Rodrテュguez Gonzテ。lez, Ciro テ]gel
1 desembre 2013 |
Scanning space analysis in Selective Laser Melting for CoCrMo powder |
Pupo, Yurivania
; Delgado Sanglas, Jordi
; Serenテウ, Lテュdia
; Ciurana, Quim de
Scanning space analysis in Selective Laser Melting for CoCrMo powder |
Pupo, Yurivania
; Delgado Sanglas, Jordi
; Serenテウ, Lテュdia
; Ciurana, Quim de
Scanning space analysis in Selective Laser Melting for CoCrMo powder |
Pupo, Yurivania
; Delgado Sanglas, Jordi
; Serenテウ, Lテュdia
; Ciurana, Quim de
1 juny 2018 |
Scanning space analysis in Selective Laser Melting for CoCrMo powder |
5 juny 2018 |
Scanning space analysis in Selective Laser Melting for CoCrMo powder |
Pupo, Yurivania
; Delgado Sanglas, Jordi
; Serenテウ, Lテュdia
; Ciurana, Quim de